
Continuiamo ad allenarci!


Buongiorno Clubber!

L’ultimo Dpcm stabilisce la chiusura forzata di tutte le palestre fino al 24 novembre. Purtroppo il nostro Club non fa eccezione, ma i veri Leoni non mollano mai.

Quindi, a meno di 24 ore dal decreto ministeriale, ecco la nostra risposta: le soluzioni per continuare ad allenarci…


  • Workout del giorno su App Palestre
  • Brief video del Workout del giorno su App Palestre per poterti allenare da casa quando vuoi
  • Classe Live su ZOOM alle 19:15
    (non arrivi in tempo alla classe? Relax, lasceremo il video registrato su App Palestre)


Non si possono tenere i Leoni in gabbia, per questo organizzeremo le attività anche nel nostro spazio esterno.

Nel palinsesto troverete l’orario delle classi e Open Box 7 giorni su 7.


Vuoi che sia uno dei nostri coach a venire da te? Ti piacerebbe una programmazione personalizzata?

Chiama il 3423317839, ti daremo tutte le info che vuoi in proposito.


Come accaduto in primavera, affittiamo il materiale inutilizzato al Club.

Per info e ordini chiama il 3423317839 oppure o scrivici all’indirizzo email alessandria@lahuella.club


Tele Workout Club >> 35 euro/mese
10 ingressi Outdoor Workout Club >> 50 euro
15 ingressi Outdoor Workout Club >> 60 euro
10 ingressi Outdoor più Tele Workout Club >> 75 euro
15 ingressi Outdoor più Tele Workout Club >> 80 euro

Per info e pagamenti chiama il 3423317839

Adesso più che mai… STAY CLUBBER!

Workouts of the week 26.10 / 31.10



Deadlift Strength + Brutal Row and Wallball

Paused Deadlift – Build to a tough set of five for the day
*reset every rep, pause below the knee


For Time
1000m Row

For Time
100 Wallballs (9/6)

Muscle Up Skills + Upper Grinder

5 minutes skill intro
10 minutes skill practice
– Muscle Ups
– Bar Muscle Ups


For Time
Double Unders
Strict Pull-ups
Dumbbell Devils Press (22/15/hand)

*14 minute cap
**adjust double unders for single unders or plate hops x2-3 reps
***adjust pull-ups for ring row x2 reps or banded (only perform banded if they have 3 strict pull-ups unbroken already)

Structural Balance + High Turnover Aerobic

15 minute EMOM
1 – 8-10 Single Arm Row/side
2 – 6-8 Single Arm Front Rack Reverse Lunges/side
3 – 30-45-sec Front Leaning Rest


Partner Workout
20 minute AMRAP
8 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20)
12 Dumbbell Power Snatch, alt
16/12 Calorie Row

Snatch Strength + Gymnastics Intervals

Power Snatch + Overhead Squat + Squat Snatch – Every 3 minutes for 15 minutes: 1 set


Every 2 minutes for 20 minutes
1 – 10/8 Calorie Assault Bike + Max Reps Toes-to-bar (-3)
2 – 10-15 Push-ups + 15 Russian KBS (32/24)

Overhead Strength + High Effort Aerobic and Barbell Cycling

Push Press – Build to a tough set of five for the day
*reset each rep
5×5 (focusing on technique)


12 minute EMOM
1 – 30-sec Row @85%
2 – 10 Shoulder-to-overhead (60/40)

Mixed Modal Long Aerobic

40 minute AMRAP
8 Calorie Row
12 Hang Power Cleans (40/30)
16 Sit-ups
20 Air Squats


Lower Body + Run and Chipper

Every 3 minute
6-8 Dual Kb Sumo Deadlift, focus on eccentric fase
10-12 Frog Pump after each set

1000 mt run

100 Air Squat
50 Burpees

Gymnastic Strength + Total Body Grinder

Emom 12 min
6-8 Strict Pull Ups – Australian Pull Ups
20-30 front leaning rest
30-40 sec hollow hold


40 – 30 – 20 – 10
Cals Row
30 – 20 – 10 – 5
Push ups
21- 15 – 9 – 3
American Swing

Total Body Unilateral Strength + Intervals 90/30

4 sets for Quality
10-12 Glute Bridge Alternating floor Press
12-16 Staggered Deadlift (6/8 leg)
*rest 90 sec between


Amrap 18 min (17:30)
90 sec on 30 sec off
Plate G2O
Reverse Lunges
Burpees no push ups Over the plate

Press Strenght + Run and Core Conditioning

5 sets:
5 tempo push press, 20×1
5-7 tempo dual kb squat, 30×1
rest 90 sec between


4 rounds
200 mt run 20 medball to toes
10- 20
5 rounds
15 box jump step down 15 medball sit up

Strength and Skill + Double AMRAP

10 Renegade Row
30 sec Double unders attempts


Amrap 7
6 single arm Devil Press each
24 Double Unders

Amrap 7
12 Alternating Db Snatch
24-18 sprinter moutain climbers

Workouts of the week 19.10 / 24.10



Front Squat Strength + 20.1ish

Front Squat – Build to a tough set of five for the day
5×5 @21X1 (focusing on technique)
*perform working sets every three minutes for fifteen minutes


8 minute AMRAP
10 Overhead Squats (40/30)
8 Burpee Over Bar
*adjust the overhead squat to a front squat (50/35) for those with limited overhead mobility

Structural Balance + Interval Gymnastics

15 minute EMOM
1 – 6-8 Half Kneeling SA Press/side
2 – 6-8 Single Leg Glute Bridge/side
3 – 6-8 Cadlestick into Pistol, alt


5 sets
2 minute AMRAP
5 T2B
7 Hand Release Push-up
9 Kettlebell Swings (24/26)
1 minute rest
*adjust T2B to Kipping Knees to Elbow or Toes to Kettlebell

Clean and Jerk Strength + Heavy Barbell Battery

Clean and Jerk – Every 3 minutes for 15 minutes: 3+1
*reset every clean, no touch and go


Every 4 minutes for 20 minutes
500m Row @80-85%
5 Clean and Jerk (moderate-tough weight)
*this row pace should be 10-15-sec slower than average 2k Row split

Turkish Get-up and Pistol Skill Practice + Partner Aerobic Workout

5 minutes skill intro
10 minutes skill practice
– Turkish Get-ups
– Pistols


Partner Workout
1000m Row
30 Box Jump-step down (24/20)
30 Wallball (9/6)
*24 minute time cap
**change partner every 60-sec

Gymnastics Strength + «Damn Dianne»

Every 2 minutes for 12 minutes
1 – 6-10 Weighted Strict Pull-ups
2 – 6-10 Deficit Strict Handstand Push-up


«Damn Dianne»
15 Deadlifts (143/93)
15 Deficit Strict Handstand Push-up (20kg plate deficit/10kg plate deficit)

Partner Dumbbells and Burpees

Partner Workout
7 Dumbbell Power Cleans (22/15/hand)
14 Dumbbell Front Rack Reverse Lunge (22/15/hand)
21 Burpees
*30 minue cap
**alternate every round


Unilateral Squat Strength + Thruster and Burpees

A1. Deficit Split Squat 10 x @21X1 (focusing on technique)
A2. Side Plank Down Up 10 reps slow and controlled
*perform working sets every three minutes for fifteen minutes

For Time
21 – 18 – 15 – 12 – 9 – 6 – 3
Dumbell Thrusters – Down Up to plate

Single Db/MedBall Thruster – Down Up to plate

Trunk Structural Strength + Amraps

6-8 Half Kneeling Landmine Shoulder Press, 20×1
30-40 sec marching bridge
40 sec hollow hold / tuck body hollow hold

Amrap 20 min – 4 min on 1 min off
9 Hands Off Push Ups
12 Sit Up
15/12 Cals Bike/Row

Kb Skill + Team Wod Power Endurance

Skill Kb Dead Clean
4 sets:
4/6 Single Arm Kb Dead Clean + 4/6 Kb Bent Over Row

Opzione 1
10 Rounds for time
15 Box Jump Step Down
15 American Swing
*alternating one round each

Opzione 2
10 Rounds for Time
20 Russian Swing
15 Box Jump Step Down General Warm Up
*alternating one round each

Core Strength + Intervals 40/20

Emom 9′
6-8 Tall Kneeling Db Low Chopper each side
10 Tall Plank Db drag
30 Russian Twist

rest 3′

Emom 9′
20 sec side plank each
10 tall plank reach
40 arrested superman

15 min Amrap
40 sec on 20 sec off
Air Squat
Hang Dumbell Snatch, change every 5 reps
Double Unders

Upper Body Pump + Pull/Press Conditioning

Every 3 min x 4 sets
5 Deficit Push Ups
8-10 Dual Kb High Pull

For Time
5 Rounds
9 Dual Kb Deadlift
9 Db Push Press
200 mt run/row/bike

Workouts of the week 12.10 / 17.10



Back Squat + Gymnastics and Aerobic Intervals

A. Back Squat – 4×8 @21X1; rest 2 minutes
*focus on movement and tempo, not the load


Every 5 minutes for 20 minutes (4 sets)
Interval 1 and 3 – 20 Burpees + 10-15 T2B
Interval 2 and 4 – 25/20 Cal Row + 10-15 Kipping Handstand Push-up

Structural Upper and Lower + Jump, Swing, Bike

Every 90-sec x 8 (12 mins)
1 – 8 Dbl KB/DB Front Squats + 8 Dbl KB/DB Reverse Lunges
2 – 8 Kettlebell Chainsaw Row/side

4 sets (16 mins)
3 minute AMRAP
40 Double Unders
20 Kettlebell Swings (32/24)
AMRAP Calorie Assault Bike / Wall Ball
1 minute rest

Dynamic Barbell + «Freddys Revenge»

A. Power Clean + Push Press – 10 minute EMOM: 1+3
*perform push press touch and go


«Freddy’s Revenge»
5 Shoulder to Overhead (85/60)
10 Burpees
*8 minute cap

Strict Gymnastics + Aerobic Power Intervals

A. Strict Pull-ups – 1xMAX, then 4×50%
B. Strict Handstand Push-up – 1xMAX, then 4×50%

Example – Max reps is 12 reps, drop sets have to be 6 reps each


Every 2 minutes for 20 minutes
1 – 12/8 Calorie Row + 12 Box Jump-step down (24/20)
2 – 12 Dumbbell Push-up + Row, alt (6/side)

Snatch Technique + Pistol and Snatch Couplet

A. Dip Power Snatch – 3×5; rest 60-sec
B. Squat Snatch – Every 90-sec x 10: 3 reps


7 minute AMRAP
12 Pistols, alt
12 Power Snatch (40/30)

Partner Workout

20 minute AMRAP (alternate movements)
5 Double Dumbbell Power Snatch or Power Clean and Jerk (22/15)
10 Kipping Pull-ups
40 Double Unders or 80 Single Unders
*example P1- Dbl Sn, P2- Pull-ups, P1- Double Unders, P2-Dbl Sn…etc
**scale kipping pull-ups with kimping chest to bar or ring rows


Squat + Aerobic Intervals

Every 3 min x 4
8-10 Dual Kb o Goblet Squat, 30×1 tempo
20 sec Side Plank

Every 3 min x 18 minute (4 sets)
20 Down Up + 20/15 Sit Up
15-12 cal Bike + 15 Db Push Press

Structural Strength + Aerobic Amrap

Every 90-sec x 8 (12 mins)

  1. 5 Single Arm Db Deadlift + 5 Db Reverse Lunges
  2. 8 Kb-Db Single Arm Bent Over Row/side

Amrap 15 min
21 Box Step Up
15 Plate ground to Overhead
9 Broad Jump over the Plate

Dumbbells Skill + Devil Intervals

5 Hang Db Clean + 5 Db Clean Ub
10/16 Quadruped Shoulder Touch

5 Rounds
6 Devil Dumbell Clean
10 Cal Row/Bike o 30 Double Under

5 Rounds
6 Db Burpees / Down Up
10 Cal Row/Bike o 30 Double Under

Strict Gymnastics + Aerobic Power Intervals

A1. 4 x Max Strict Pull Ups (minimum 5)
A2. 4 x 8-12 Deficit Push Ups
A3. 4 x 8-12 Reverse Sit Up

2 Rounds
1-2 . run 200 mt
2-5 . Amrap 12 Air Squat 6 Push Ups 3 Deck Squat
5-7 . run 200 mt
7-9 . Amrap 12 Air Squat 6 Push Ups 3 Deck Squat

Skill Ketlebell Snatch + Kettlebell and Gymnastics

Skill Kb Snatch
Every 2 min 5 Kb Snatch Each x 5

Amrap 12 min
12 American Swing o 6/6 Kb Snatch
12 Deck Squat
12 Athetic Burpees

Nascono 2 nuove Classi


È il momento che escano i leoni!

Abbiamo la fortuna di avere un Club enorme e con molto materiale, è ora di sfruttarlo inserendo due nuove classi basate sulle necessità della Community.

Con queste due nuove programmazioni complementari a quella generale de La Huella, avrai una soluzione personalizzata sulla base dei risultati ottenuti nella Test Week.

Potrai creare una pianificazione «custom», in gruppo e assistita dai nostri Coach, scegliendo le classi che più ti piacciono o che tu senti adatte alle tue necessità.

Usala per essere un atleta migliore, per aumentare il tuo rendimento dentro e fuori dal Club e investire nella tua salute.



Molto più che solo esercizi con il bilanciere

Migliorare il tuo livello di forza assoluta, il tuo Weightlifting e la tua Forza Resistente.

In ogni classe troverai movimenti basici e varianti del Clean and Jerk e dello Snatch. Inoltre i pilastri della forza: Squat, Deadlift e Bench Press.

Ogni classe finisce con un buon Pump di Functional Body building organizzato in un circuito che mixa esercizi complementari e accessori come curl, press o lunges.

Per chi è:
Per tutti quelli che hanno bisogno di (o vogliono) aumentare il proprio livello di forza, la massa muscolare o sentirsi e vedersi più forti.



Meno dolore post training, più calorie

Costruire la base della tua resistenza migliorando l’Aerobic Endurance e il Power Endurance

Sessioni Mixed Modality: organizzate in intervalli più o meno ampi nei quali utilizzerai macchine aerobiche e esercizi a corpo libero con l’utilizzo di piccoli sovraccarichi come dumbbell, med ball, slam ball e kettlebell.

Sessioni Cycling Modality: anche queste sono organizzate in intervalli più o meno ampi, ma con una forte prevalenza delle macchine aerobiche, della corda e della corsa.

Per chi è:
Per chi ha bisogno di un lavoro meno aggressivo dal punto di vista muscolare o di bruciare calorie. Così come per quelli che fanno sport di endurance o semplicemente vogliono sudare ed evitare i classici dolori muscolari che durano due giorni.     

Workouts of the week 05.10 / 10.10



Overhead Squat Strength + Power Snatch and Handstand Push-ups

A1. Snatch Push Press + Overhead Squat – Build to a tough set of 1+5, or perform three sets focusing on technique
A2. Mobility or Stability Drill – Details below
*Midline Stability – Loaded Deadbug – 30-45-sec
**Shoulder Mobility – Prone Pass Through – 30-45-sec
***Thoracic Mobility – Cat/Cow – 30-45-sec


7 Power Snatch (50/35)
10 Kipping Handstand Push-up
*scale the Kipping Handstand Push-up to Wall Climbs (x3) or Push-ups (x10-15)
**11 minute cap

Plyometrics and Midline + Mixed Aerobic

10 minutes for quality
12-16 Tall Kneeling See-saw Press, alt
10-20 Landmin Rotations, alt
5 Box Jump-step down


10 minute AMRAP
30 Double Unders
10 Dumbbell Power Snatch, alt (22/15)
10 Burpees

Rest 5 minutes

10 minute AMRAP
10/8 Calorie Row
10 Box Jump-step down (24/20)
10 DB Hang Clean and Jerk, alt (22/15)

Upper Strength + Toes to Bar Sprints

Option 1:
6 minute AMRAP
2 Turkish Get-up, alt (24/16)
4 Strict Pull-ups
8 Push-ups


Option 2:
6 minute AMRAP
10 Turkish Get-ups, alt (24/16)
20 Strict Pull-ups
AMRAP Push-ups


Every 2 minutes for 12 minutes
6-12 Unbroken T2B
20-sec Assault Bike Sprint / Burpee over the… sprint

Mobility + Structural Hinge/Upper Push + Double DB/KB Lower

6 minute EMOM
1 – 90/90 Hip CARs
2 – Lunge Matrix


12 minute EMOM
1 – 10-15 DB Bridge Floor Press
2 – 8-10 Split Stance Deadlift/side
3 – 30-45-sec Plank Reach Under


Every 4 mintues for 12 minutes
10 Burpee Box Jump-step down (24/20)
15 Double DB/KB Deadlift
20 Double DB/KB Front Rack Reverse Lunge, alt

Clean Technique + Partner Couplet

A. Dip Power Clean – 3×5; rest 60-sec
B. Clean – Every 90-sec x 10: 3 reps
*focus on speed and positions
**if technique is good build as able


Partner Workout – Alternating Rounds
30 Wallball (9/6)
30 Hang Power Snatch (35/25)
*18 minute cap

Midline Endurance WOD

25 minute AMRAP
20/15 Calorie Row
20 Abmat Sit-ups
60 Double Unders
20 Kettlebell Swings (24/16)


Structural Strength + Aerobic Intervals

Volume Accumulation 12 Min
6-8 Single Arm / Leg Glute Bridge Floor Press
8-10 Tall Kneeling Db o Plate Curl + Halo
20 sec Weighted Side Plank

Amrap 4 min 1 min rest x 2
12 Cals
10 Sit Up
8 Hands off Push Ups

rest 2 min

Amrap 4 min 1 min rest x 2
12 Dumbell Step Up
10 Sit Up
8 Athletic Burpees

Kb Complex + Amrap

Every 3 min x 12 min
8 Dual Kb/Db Deadlift, 30×1
6 Bent Over Db/Kb Row, 20×0
3 Reverse Lunges each leg (3+3)

Db Hang Snatch

Amrap 15
200 mt run o 40 sec bike
40 Double Unders
20 Air Squat
20 Hang Dumbell Snatch alt. (10/10)

Row & Devil Intervals

30 min work
2 min On 2 min Off alternating
– Row @70 %
– rest
– Devil Complex*
– rest
*9 Db Burpees, 6 Hang Devil Clean, 3 Thruster

Every 90 sec x 5
5 Tuck Ups Sit Up
10 Hollow Rock – Tuck Hollow Rock o 30 sec Hold


5 min Coach Directed Cool Down

Structural Strength + Amrap 35/25

Emom 16 min
30 sec Single Kb Wall Sit L
30 sec Single Kb Wall Sit R
8-12 Staggered Push Ups, 20×1
40 sec Hollow Body Hold

Amrap 12 min
35 On 25 Off
Russian Swing – light weight
Sprinter Mountain Climbers
Cals o Air Squat o Single Unders

Skill + Team Wod

5 x 3 x (1 Deadlif 1 Deadclean 1 Clean) each side


Partner A
Row 50 cals

12 Rounds
6 Burpees
12 American Swing

Partner B
Row 50 cals

Workouts of the week 28.09 / 03.10



Deadlift Intensity + Gymnastics and Aerobic Intervals

A. Paused Deadlift – 5×3; rest 2 minutes
*pause below knee on each rep
**reset each rep on the floor, no TNG
5×5 for beginners or those that need to develop their deadlift technique
Every 6 minutes for 18 minutes
10-15 Kipping Handstand Push-up
30/20 Calorie Row
10-15 T2B

Structural Upper and Lower + Power Cleans and Box Jumps

12 minute EMOM
1 – 10 Dbl Kettlebell FR Walking Lunges, alt
2 – 12-16 See-saw Row, alt
3 – 30-sec Weighted Side Plank/side
*scale weighted side plank for regular side plank
10 Power Cleans (70/50)
15 Box Jump-step down (24/20)
*12 minute cap

Dynamic Barbell + Partner Double Fran

A. Thruster – 10 minute EMOM: 3 reps
*pause overhead for one second and focus on cycling efficiency
Partner Workout
For Time
21 Dumbbell Thrusters (Partner A)
21 Pull-ups (Parnter B)
15 Dumbbell Thrusters (Partner A)
15 Pull-ups (Parnter B)
9 Dumbbell Thrusters (Partner A)
9 Pull-ups (Parnter B)
45 Dumbbell Thrusters*
45 Pull-ups*
10 min cap time

Chest-to-bar and Handstand Strength + Aerobic Power Couplet

A. Deficit Strict Handstand Push-up – 5×3-5; rest as needed
B. Assisted False Grip Strict Pull-up – 3xMAX; rest as needed
10 minute AMRAP
5, 10, 15…etc
Double Unders
Calorie Row

Snatch Technique + Chipper Gripper Grinder

A. Tall Snatch – 3×5; rest 60-sec
*start each rep on their toes, work with a very light weight
B. Snatch Lift Off + Power Snatch + Overhead Squat – Every 90-sec x 10: 1+1+1
*focus on speed and positions
For Time
50 Dumbbell Power Snatch, alt (22/15)
25 Dumbbell Box Step Overs (22/15)
50 Burpees
25 Dumbbell Box Step Overs (22/15)
*10 minute cap
**only one dumbbell on the step overs, hold any style

Rowing Cindy Intervals

Every 90-sec for 24 minutes (16 sets)
5 Kipping Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Air Squats
AMRAP Calorie Row in reaming time


Shoulder Strength and Stability + Muscular endurance

Seated Arnold Press 4 x 10
Quadruped Shoulder Tap 4 x 10-16 (5/5 o 8/8)
Emom 10
8-12 Hands Off Push ups with perfect form
12 Suitcase Dumbell Reverse Lunges
Amrap 10
10 db Box Step Up
10 Single Arm Db hang Clean and Jerk each side

Lower Body Pull Strength + Lower Body Conditioning

Every 3 min x 5
6 Dual Kb Sumo Deadlift
20 sec Hollow Rock o 40 sec hold
In 9 min
5 Rounds for Time
15 Russian Swing
10 Cal Row-Bike
5 Rounds
15 Goblet Squat
10 Down Up

Structural Strength + Row and Body Weight Conditioning

Every 2 minute x 5
5 Single Arm Turkish Sit Up + 5/8 Single Arm Glute Bridge Floor Press

Emom 10 min
Row @75 %

rest 3 min

Amrap 10 min
1 in Off 1 min On
3-5 Push Ups 10 Sprinter Mountain Climbers 5 Broad Jump

Midline Strength

Every 2 minutes x 5
10 Renegade Row (no push ups – 5/5)
10 Tuck Up Sit Up
Amrap 12 min
5 Db Burpees
5 Db Hang Devil Press
10 Box Jump Step Down

Total Body Kb Complex + Aerobic Endurance

Every 90 sec x 5
10 Kb Curl + Halo + Goblet Squat
10 Kb Drag

rest 3 min

Amrap 20 min
200 mt run o 40 sec Row-Bike
20 Kettlebell Push Press (10/10)
30 Medball Deadlift
40 sec Hollow Rock o Hold

Workouts of the week 21.09 / 26.09




Strength Test + AMRAP

1RM Back Squat
1RM Strict Pull-Up (weighted)
7 min AMRAP (coach choice)


Power Test + Strength Endurance Test

1RM Power Clean
3′ AMRAP Power Clean
@1X BW Men
0.75X BW Women


Aerobic Power Test

2K Row for time


Active Recovery


Aerobic Endurance Test

11 Box Jump-Step Down (24/20)
11 American Kettlebell Swings (24/16)
11 Down Up
11 Wallball (9/6)


Test Open Day





Total Body + Aerobic AMRAP

Every 2 min x 10 min
Dual Kettlebell Front Squat 5, pausa @ bottom
Dual Kettlebell Push Press 5 pausa @ top
Dual Kettlbell Thruster 5 pausa @ top
8 min Amrap
10 down Up
15/12 cals Row/bike

rest 4 min

8 min Amrap
15 russian swing
20 sprinter mountain climbers
30 Air Squat


Upper Body + Dumbbell and Body Weight

4 sets:
8-10 3Point Dumbbell Row each
10-12 standing plate raise
20-30 russian twist
Amrap 12
10 Db Hang Power Clean o Alternating
10 Box Jump Step Down
10 Db Deadlift
10 Sit Up


Core + Aerobic Endurance

Amrap 20 min
200 mt run / 40 sec bike
3 rounds
3 Hang Devil Press
6 Reverse Lunges (front rack)
9 burpees over the PVC


Structural Strength + Strength Endurance

Every 3 min x 4
6-8 Floor Press
40 sec Wall Sit Goblet
For Time
3 – 6 – 9 – 12 – 15 – 18 – 21
Goblet Squat
Hands Off Push Ups

rest 3 min

21 – 18 – 15 – 12 – 9 – 6 – 3
Kb Sumo Deadlift High Pull
Sit Up


Lower Body + Intervals

3/4 sets
10 Db Romanian Deadlift, 30×1
10 Single Leg Glute Bridge each
Amrap 12 min
35 Sec On 25 sec Off
Weighted Step Over
Db Snatch

Workouts of the week 14.09 / 19.09




Overhead Squat Strength + Snatch, Toes to Bar and Burpees

A1. Snatch Push Press + Overhead Squat – 4×4(1+1)
A2. Mobility or Stability Drill
Kipping T2B or Knees to Chest
Hang Power Snatch (43/30)
*12 minute cap


Plyometrics and Midline + Mixed Aerobic

10 minutes for quality
5 Broad Jumps
10 Banded Plank Row
10 Plate Overhead Sit-ups
12 minutes @85%
12 Calorie Row/Bike
6 Dumbbell Mr Spectacular (15/10/hand)
3 Dumbbell Thrusters (15/10/hand)
Rest 5 minutes
12 minutes @85%
12 Calorie Row/Bike
6 Single Arm Dumbbell Power Cleans, alt (22/15)
3 Single Arm Dumbbell Thrusters/side (22/15)


Upper Strength + Strict Handstand and Row

A1. Half Turkish Get-up – 4×4-6/side; rest 30-sec
A2. Strict Pull-up or Negative – 4×4-6; rest 30-sec
A3. Deficit Push-up – 4×8-12 @20X1; rest as needed
12 minute AMRAP
1, 2, 3…etc
Strict HSPU or Wall Walk
*between each round perform 8/6 Calorie Row


Mobility + Structural Hinge/Upper Push + Swing and Jump

12 minute EMOM
1 – 12-16 Alternating Dumbbell Push Press
2 – 12-16 Cross Body RDL
3 – 30-45-sec Front Plank Reach
20 Russian Kettlebell Swings (32/24)
10 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20)
*15 minute cap


Clean Technique + Partner Chipper

A. Tall Clean – 3×5; rest 60-sec
B. Clean Deadlift + Clean + Hang Clean – Every 90-sec x 10: 1+1+1
Partner Workout – For Time
Partner 1 – 50/35 Calorie Row


«Double Grace»
60 Clean and Jerks (60/40)


Partner 2 – 50/35 Calorie Row
*16 minute cap


Monster Mash

00-07 min
10 Push Press (35/25)
30 Double Unders

07-14 min
7 Overhead Squat (35/25)
7 C2B

14-21 min
10 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (35/25)
10 Hand Release Push-ups




Structural Strength + WGM Conditioning

A1. 4 x 8 Incline Chest Press
A2. 4 x 12 Tall Kneeling Plate Raise
21 – 18 – 15 – 12 – 9 – 6 – 3
Hands off Push Ups
Alternating Hang Db Clean and Jerk
10 Cal Row between Rounds


Absolute Strength + Muscular Endurance

A1. 4 x 6 Dual Kb Sumo Deadlift
A2. 4 x 40 sec Body Hollow Hold
Every 2 min x 12 min
10 Goblet Squat 32/24
5 NPUB Broad Jump
15 Russian Swing 32/24


Structural Strength + Team Workout

Every 2 min x 10 min (5 rounds)
12 Alternating Shoulder Press
12 Alternating Dual kb Rack Reverse Lunges

rest 3 mim

Team Wod
Amrap 15
IGYG Style
3 Box Jump
6 Dual Kb Thruster
18 Double Unders



Aerobic Endurance + Metcon

Emom 10 – alternating
– 35/50 Double Unders
– 10/12 Renegade Row

rest 5

3 Rounds
35 Cal Row
10 Devil Press
rest 1 min


Kb Complex + Grinder + Finisher

4 x 3 (1 Deadlift 1 Dead Clean) x Side
For Quality
10 – 8 – 6 – 4 – 2
Dead Clean each
20 – 18 – 16 – 14 – 12
Quadruped Shoulder Tap
For Time
30 Burpees Reverse Lunges

Workouts of the week 07.09 / 12.09




Back Squat Intensity + Gymnastics and Aerobic Intervals

A. Back Squat – 5×3 @31X1; rest 2 minutes
Every 7 minutes for 14 minutes
15/12 Calorie Assault Bike
15 Burpees
12/9 Calorie Assault BIke
12 Hand Release Push-up
9/6 Calorie Assault Bike
9 T2B


Structural Upper and Lower + Pull, Squat, Jump Triplet

12 minute EMOM
1 – 10 DB Reverse Lunges, alt
2 – 10 Renegade Rows, alt
3 – 30-45-sec Wtd Hollow Hold
*scale Wtd Hollow Hold, for Hollow Hold ro Bent Hollow Hold
12 minute AMRAP
5 Deadlifts (100/70)
10 Wallball (9/6)
30 Double Unders
*scale the Deadlifts to 70%
**scale Double Unders to Single Unders (x3)


Dynamic Barbell + Partner Barbell Conditioning

A. Hang Power Clean – 10 minute EMOM: 3 reps
*pause in the receiving position for one second on each rep
Partner Workout
For Time
30 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20)
30 Hang Power Cleans (60/40)
20 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20)
20 Hang Power Cleans (70/50)
10 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20)
10 Hang Power Cleans (80/60)
*partition as needed
**12 minute cap


Chest-to-bar and Handstand Strength + Aerobic Power Test Prep

A. Strict Chest-to-bar Pull-up – 5×3; rest 2 minutes
*weighted as able
B. Strict Handstand Push-up – 3xMAX; rest as needed
Test Day Prep
5 sets
500m Row @85-90%
Rest 2 minutes


Snatch Technique + Overhead Lunges and Swings

A. Hang Muscle Snatch – 3×5; rest 60-sec
B. Power Snatch + Overhead Squat – Every 90-sec x 10: 1+2
8 minute AMRAP
7.5m Single Arm Overhead Walking Lunge, L
7.5m Single Arm Overhead Walking Lunge, R
15 Kettlebell Swings (24/16)


Devils Saturday

45/30 Calorie Row
12 Single Arm Devils Press, L
12 Single Arm Devils Press, R
30/20 Calorie Row
9 Single Arm Devils Press, L
9 Single Arm Devils Press, R
15/10 Calorie Row
6 Single Arm Devils Press, L
6 Single Arm Devils Press, R
*25 min cap





Total Body + Intervals

Total Body
Every 3 min x 5
5 Dual Kb – Db Front Squat
5 Dual Kb Push Press
4/5 Dual Kb Reverse lunges each / Front Squat
5 rounds
3 min Amrap
15 Air Squat
12 Kb Deadlift
9 Hands Off Push Ups
*rest 1 between rounds


Upper Body + Power and Core Endurance

4 Sets:
5 Single Arm Bent Over Row each
10 Bent Over Crush Grip Kb Row
10 Back Extension + 30 sec Arrested Superman
rest 90 sec
10 Rounds for Time
10 Cal Row
15 Plate G2O
30 sec Body Hollow Hold


Shoulder Strength + Aerobic

3 sets:
6 Half Kneeling Landime/Kb Shoulder Press
8 Side Plank Rotation
40 sec Weighted Hollow Body Hold
Amrap 18
4 Hang Devil Press
12 Sit Up
16 Reverse Lunges
20 Double Unders / 40 Single Unders


Structural Strength + Ladders

Every 3 min + 4 rounds
12/16 Alternating Glute Bridge Floor Press
40 sec Wall Sit plate press
8 minute AMRAP
3, 6, 9…etc
Dumbbell Front Squat
> rest 3
6 minute AMRAP
2, 4, 6… ETC
Db Deadlift
Sit Up


Strength Wod + Dumbbell Finisher

10 3Points DB Row, L
10 Single Arm DB Deadlift, L
10 3Points DB Row, R
10 Single Arm DB Deadlift, R
20 Plank Shoulder Taps, alt
rest 5
Amrap 12
6 Single Arm Clean and Jerk L
6 Single Arm Clean and Jerk R
12 Single DB Step Up