
Workouts of the week 04.03 / 10.03


This week is dedicated to women, on the occasion of the week of March 8th. During these days, we pay tribute to great female figures in sports who have driven some kind of change in society. We hope you enjoy their stories!



Alice Coachman
Was the first black athlete to win a gold medal for the United States, setting a world record that stood for 8 years. This achievement is remarkable considering she was not allowed to train on the tracks.

Every 90 sec x 4
3 Hang Power Snatch
Every 90 sec x 4
2 Hang Squat Snatch
Every 90 sec x 4
4-3-2-1 Snatch

Alice Coachman
8 Round For Time
4 Overhead Squat 60/40 kg / Thruster
8 Box Jumps Over 50/60 cm


Kathy Swizer
In 1967, which might as well be yesterday, women aren’t allowed to run marathons. Kathrine Switzer signs up with a false name for the Boston Marathon and manages to finish despite the race directors’ attempts to stop her.

Muscle Up Strength, ring o bar
8 min Emom
Min 1: 2-4 Muscle Up, ring o bar
Min 2: rest

Kathy Swizer
For Time
800m Med Ball Run 9/6 kg
261 Double Unders
800m Erg (any)
*14 min


Alfonsina Strada (Devil in a Dress)
She was the first woman to participate in a men’s Giro d’Italia. In that edition, 90 cyclists started the race, but only 30 finished, and Alfonsina was among them.

4/5 sets
8 Bench Press
30 mt D-Ball Carry AHAP
*2 min rest between

Alfonsina Strada (Devil in a Dress)
For Time
72 Calorie Assault Bike / Row / Bike Erg
19 Wall Climbs
24 Dumbbell Devils Press 22.5/15 kg
*12 min cap time


Nadia Comaneci
The most famous Romanian gymnast, she won the gold at just 14 years old and was the first gymnast to receive a perfect 10 in all exercises during an Olympic Games. «Determination» and «personality» fall short in describing her.

Durante Core
T2B – HSPU o HSW Review

Nadia Comaneci
10 minute AMRAP
19 Burpees
7 T2B
6 Strict Handstand Push-up

10 minute AMRAP
19 Burpees no Push Ups
7 K2E
6 Kipping Handstand Push-up
*no rest between


¡¡ OPEN 24.2 !!


Alice Miliat
In 1922, she managed to organize Olympic Games exclusively for women, as they were not allowed to compete in the Olympics. It seems she really enjoyed rowing… but we’re not sure if she also liked Wall Balls, hehehe.

Every 2 min x 5
1-3 Turkish Get Up x side

Alice Milliat Team Version
8 Rounds, relay style
19 Calorie Row
21 Wallball
*25 min cap Time



Alice Coachman
Was the first black athlete to win a gold medal for the United States, setting a world record that stood for 8 years. This achievement is remarkable considering she was not allowed to train on the tracks.

3-4 sets
6 Trap Bar Staggered RD x side
8-12 Arnold Press (revisa TC)
3 x 15/20 Weighted Crunch
*1 min rest

Alice Coachman
8 Round For Time
8 A-Jumps
8 Dumbbell Thrusters 22.5/15
*Burpees No Push Ups Broad Jump 100/75 cm


Kathy Swizer
In 1967, which might as well be yesterday, women aren’t allowed to run marathons. Kathrine Switzer signs up with a false name for the Boston Marathon and manages to finish despite the race directors’ attempts to stop her.

4 x 6-8 Strict Chin Ups, 2 sec pausa at top
3 sets
10 Upright Row
Max Hummer Curl, 2 sec pause at top, minimum 8 reps

Kathy Swizer
For Time
800m Med Ball Run / erg
261 Double Unders / Single
800m Erg


Alfonsina Strada (Devil in a Dress)
She was the first woman to participate in a men’s Giro d’Italia. In that edition, 90 cyclists started the race, but only 30 finished, and Alfonsina was among them.

4-5 sets
8-12 Dumbbell Bench Press
12-15 Heels Elevated Goblet Narrow Squat
3 x Max Banded Triceps Extension

Alfonsina Strada Team Version
For Time
72 Calorie Ski
19 Dumbbell Step Over the box (1 dumbbell)
24 Devils Press
19 Dumbbell Step Over the box (1 dumbbell)
72 Calorie Ski


Nadia Comaneci
The most famous Romanian gymnast, she won the gold at just 14 years old and was the first gymnast to receive a perfect 10 in all exercises during an Olympic Games. «Determination» and «personality» fall short in describing her.

4 x max Strict Dips, minimum 6
10-12 Deficit Reverse Lunges, 6/6
10 Side Plank Down Up x side

Nadia Comaneci
10 minute AMRAP
19 Burpees
7 V-Ups
6 Rolling Pistols o 8 Jumping Lunges

10 minute AMRAP
19 Air Squat
7 Sit Up
6 Deck Squat


3 sets
10 Bench Chest Fly
10 Pinch Press
20 Feet Elevated Tall Plank Shoulder Tap

3 sets
10 Hip Thrust
10 Nordic Curl
5 Bridge Walk Out

¡¡ OPEN 24.2 !!