Workouts of the week 12.10 / 17.10
Back Squat + Gymnastics and Aerobic Intervals
A. Back Squat – 4×8 @21X1; rest 2 minutes
*focus on movement and tempo, not the load
Every 5 minutes for 20 minutes (4 sets)
Interval 1 and 3 – 20 Burpees + 10-15 T2B
Interval 2 and 4 – 25/20 Cal Row + 10-15 Kipping Handstand Push-up
Structural Upper and Lower + Jump, Swing, Bike
Every 90-sec x 8 (12 mins)
1 – 8 Dbl KB/DB Front Squats + 8 Dbl KB/DB Reverse Lunges
2 – 8 Kettlebell Chainsaw Row/side
4 sets (16 mins)
3 minute AMRAP
40 Double Unders
20 Kettlebell Swings (32/24)
AMRAP Calorie Assault Bike / Wall Ball
1 minute rest
Dynamic Barbell + «Freddys Revenge»
A. Power Clean + Push Press – 10 minute EMOM: 1+3
*perform push press touch and go
«Freddy’s Revenge»
5 Shoulder to Overhead (85/60)
10 Burpees
*8 minute cap
Strict Gymnastics + Aerobic Power Intervals
A. Strict Pull-ups – 1xMAX, then 4×50%
B. Strict Handstand Push-up – 1xMAX, then 4×50%
Example – Max reps is 12 reps, drop sets have to be 6 reps each
Every 2 minutes for 20 minutes
1 – 12/8 Calorie Row + 12 Box Jump-step down (24/20)
2 – 12 Dumbbell Push-up + Row, alt (6/side)
Snatch Technique + Pistol and Snatch Couplet
A. Dip Power Snatch – 3×5; rest 60-sec
B. Squat Snatch – Every 90-sec x 10: 3 reps
7 minute AMRAP
12 Pistols, alt
12 Power Snatch (40/30)
Partner Workout
20 minute AMRAP (alternate movements)
5 Double Dumbbell Power Snatch or Power Clean and Jerk (22/15)
10 Kipping Pull-ups
40 Double Unders or 80 Single Unders
*example P1- Dbl Sn, P2- Pull-ups, P1- Double Unders, P2-Dbl Sn…etc
**scale kipping pull-ups with kimping chest to bar or ring rows
Squat + Aerobic Intervals
Every 3 min x 4
8-10 Dual Kb o Goblet Squat, 30×1 tempo
20 sec Side Plank
Every 3 min x 18 minute (4 sets)
20 Down Up + 20/15 Sit Up
15-12 cal Bike + 15 Db Push Press
Structural Strength + Aerobic Amrap
Every 90-sec x 8 (12 mins)
Amrap 15 min
21 Box Step Up
15 Plate ground to Overhead
9 Broad Jump over the Plate
Dumbbells Skill + Devil Intervals
5 Hang Db Clean + 5 Db Clean Ub
10/16 Quadruped Shoulder Touch
5 Rounds
6 Devil Dumbell Clean
10 Cal Row/Bike o 30 Double Under
5 Rounds
6 Db Burpees / Down Up
10 Cal Row/Bike o 30 Double Under
Strict Gymnastics + Aerobic Power Intervals
A1. 4 x Max Strict Pull Ups (minimum 5)
A2. 4 x 8-12 Deficit Push Ups
A3. 4 x 8-12 Reverse Sit Up
2 Rounds
1-2 . run 200 mt
2-5 . Amrap 12 Air Squat 6 Push Ups 3 Deck Squat
5-7 . run 200 mt
7-9 . Amrap 12 Air Squat 6 Push Ups 3 Deck Squat
Skill Ketlebell Snatch + Kettlebell and Gymnastics
Skill Kb Snatch
Every 2 min 5 Kb Snatch Each x 5
Amrap 12 min
12 American Swing o 6/6 Kb Snatch
12 Deck Squat
12 Athetic Burpees