
Workouts of the week 13.07 / 18.07




Mixed Aerobic and Cyclical Intervals

Every 2 minutes for 6 minutes (3 sets)
20/16 Calorie Bike/Row
4 minute AMRAP
50 Russian KBS (24/16)
AMRAP Down-ups
Every 3 minutes for 6 minutes (2 sets)
30/24 Calorie Bike/Row
4 minute AMRAP
50 Russian KBS (24/16)
AMRAP Deck Squats
For Time
60/48 Calorie Bike/Row
*rest 2 minutes between


Front Squat Strength Endurance + Kipping/Squat Development

A. Front Squat – 10 minute EMOM: 4 reps @20X1
20 Air Squats
10 T2B
10 Wallball (20/14)
10 Pull-ups
*15 minute cap


Gymnastics/Grip Strength + Bodyweight Intervals

A. 10 minute EMOM
1 – 30-sec Wall Facing HSH
2 – 30-sec Plate Pinch Hold
3 sets
60 Double Unders
40 Sit-ups
20 Ring Push-ups
Rest 2 minutes
*18 minute cap


Weightlifting Positions + Kettlebells and Core

A. Segmented Power Snatch – 4×3; rest 2 minutes
*pause below knee, above knee and in the receiving position on rep one
**pause above knee and in the receiving position on rep two
***pause in the receiving position on rep three
Kettlebell Snatch Technique – 5 minutes
10 minute AMRAP
6 Kettlebell Snatch, L
6 Kettlebell Snatch, R
12 Tuck-ups


Light Barbell Cycling + Row and Burpee Box Jump Couplet

A. 3 sets
30-sec Max Hang Power Snatch (35/25)
60-sec rest
30-sec Max Thrusters (35/25)
60-sec rest
30-sec Mac Hang PCPJ (35/25)
2 minute rest
500m Row
15 Burpee Box Jump-step down (24/20)
*12 minute cap



A. Turkish Get-ups – 5×2-3/side
12 minute AMRAP
15/10 Calorie Assault Bike
4 Dumbbell Curtis P’s
12 minute AMRAP
15/10 Calorie Assault Bike
6 Dumbbell Mr. Spectacular
*rest 5 minutes between



GPP – General physical preparation


Upper Body + Total Body Conditioning

Every 3′ x 4
6/8 Single Leg/Arm Floor Press x side
20/30″ Single Arm Front Leaning Rest
30″ Quadruped Shoulder Tap
Amrap 15 minute
16 Medball Step Up: Shoulder Carry
8 Single arm Hang Clean each
16 Medball Sit Up
12 Hands Off Push Ups


Posterior Chain + Team Workout

Every 3′ x 4
10/12 Deficit Dual Kb Sumo Deadlift*
10 Gorilla Row (5/5)
*progression from 22.6
Team Wod
3 Rounds for Time
1000 mt Row
60 Dual Kb Swing
250 mt row each, 15 UB reps per set


Sweat Session + Core

2 Rounds
5 minute Amrap Cal Bike
3/5 NPB Jump over the Plate
5 minute Amrap Cal Bike
3 Push Ups Renegade row
Extra Credit
3/4 sets:
10 Seated Knee to Chest Crunch
10/15 Side Plank Down Up
40 Russian Twist


Total Body Strength Conditioning

Emom 12
40″ Wall Sit
12/16 Tall Plank Db Reach
40″ Row*
*increasing effort every 20″
Emom 12
15/20 Air Squat
5/8 Db Push Press each
40″ Row*
*increasing effort every 20″
Amrap 6′
6 Single Arm Db Thruster each
12 Cal Row


Total Body + Aerobic Amrap + Pump

4 Rounds
12/16 Reverse Lunges + Halo
8/12 Medball Pike Up
*rest 1′
12 minute Amrap
30 Hollow Rock
15 Swing
30 Double Unders
15 Jumping Lunges
Extra Credit
3 sets:
10 Banded Kick Back
30 sec Glute Bridge March
3 sets:
10 Diamond Push Ups
20 Banded Pull Apart

