
Workouts of the Week 14.12 / 19.12


Así es como nos prepararemos para All I WOD for Christmas…
Los esperamos el sábado!!!

Lunes 14

10′ for find 1 RM of the day of Clean and jerk / Power clean


7′ 3 reps @70-80%


3 rounds for time

10 clean and jerk
30 wall ball
60 double unders

Martes 15

4/5 rounds
4/6 back squat 2 first set climbing
10 pull ups


front squat with dumbells
pull ups chest to bar
run 300 mt after every set

Miércoles 16

Skills 10′

for 8′
40″ work 20″ rest
cal row
abmat sit up
rest 1′
for 8′
40″ work 20″ rest
Cal row
Box jump over

cash out 1500 mt easy

Jueves 17

5 rounds for time

Team WOD
every Athlet of the team have to complete the reps of every exercies before to muove to the next
5 hand stand ush ups
10 power clean
15 burpees
20 american swing
25 wall ball

Viernes 18

Open simulation you will know about it on Friday

Cash out
30 strict knee to elbow
Do 5 tuck sit up when you drop from the bar

Sábado 19

All I WOD for Christmas