Workouts of the week 19.10 / 24.10
Front Squat Strength + 20.1ish
Front Squat – Build to a tough set of five for the day
5×5 @21X1 (focusing on technique)
*perform working sets every three minutes for fifteen minutes
8 minute AMRAP
10 Overhead Squats (40/30)
8 Burpee Over Bar
*adjust the overhead squat to a front squat (50/35) for those with limited overhead mobility
Structural Balance + Interval Gymnastics
15 minute EMOM
1 – 6-8 Half Kneeling SA Press/side
2 – 6-8 Single Leg Glute Bridge/side
3 – 6-8 Cadlestick into Pistol, alt
5 sets
2 minute AMRAP
5 T2B
7 Hand Release Push-up
9 Kettlebell Swings (24/26)
1 minute rest
*adjust T2B to Kipping Knees to Elbow or Toes to Kettlebell
Clean and Jerk Strength + Heavy Barbell Battery
Clean and Jerk – Every 3 minutes for 15 minutes: 3+1
*reset every clean, no touch and go
Every 4 minutes for 20 minutes
500m Row @80-85%
5 Clean and Jerk (moderate-tough weight)
*this row pace should be 10-15-sec slower than average 2k Row split
Turkish Get-up and Pistol Skill Practice + Partner Aerobic Workout
5 minutes skill intro
10 minutes skill practice
– Turkish Get-ups
– Pistols
Partner Workout
1000m Row
30 Box Jump-step down (24/20)
30 Wallball (9/6)
*24 minute time cap
**change partner every 60-sec
Gymnastics Strength + «Damn Dianne»
Every 2 minutes for 12 minutes
1 – 6-10 Weighted Strict Pull-ups
2 – 6-10 Deficit Strict Handstand Push-up
«Damn Dianne»
15 Deadlifts (143/93)
15 Deficit Strict Handstand Push-up (20kg plate deficit/10kg plate deficit)
Partner Dumbbells and Burpees
Partner Workout
7 Dumbbell Power Cleans (22/15/hand)
14 Dumbbell Front Rack Reverse Lunge (22/15/hand)
21 Burpees
*30 minue cap
**alternate every round
Unilateral Squat Strength + Thruster and Burpees
A1. Deficit Split Squat 10 x @21X1 (focusing on technique)
A2. Side Plank Down Up 10 reps slow and controlled
*perform working sets every three minutes for fifteen minutes
For Time
21 – 18 – 15 – 12 – 9 – 6 – 3
Dumbell Thrusters – Down Up to plate
Single Db/MedBall Thruster – Down Up to plate
Trunk Structural Strength + Amraps
6-8 Half Kneeling Landmine Shoulder Press, 20×1
30-40 sec marching bridge
40 sec hollow hold / tuck body hollow hold
Amrap 20 min – 4 min on 1 min off
9 Hands Off Push Ups
12 Sit Up
15/12 Cals Bike/Row
Kb Skill + Team Wod Power Endurance
Skill Kb Dead Clean
4 sets:
4/6 Single Arm Kb Dead Clean + 4/6 Kb Bent Over Row
Opzione 1
10 Rounds for time
15 Box Jump Step Down
15 American Swing
*alternating one round each
Opzione 2
10 Rounds for Time
20 Russian Swing
15 Box Jump Step Down General Warm Up
*alternating one round each
Core Strength + Intervals 40/20
Emom 9′
6-8 Tall Kneeling Db Low Chopper each side
10 Tall Plank Db drag
30 Russian Twist
rest 3′
Emom 9′
20 sec side plank each
10 tall plank reach
40 arrested superman
15 min Amrap
40 sec on 20 sec off
Air Squat
Hang Dumbell Snatch, change every 5 reps
Double Unders
Upper Body Pump + Pull/Press Conditioning
Every 3 min x 4 sets
5 Deficit Push Ups
8-10 Dual Kb High Pull
For Time
5 Rounds
9 Dual Kb Deadlift
9 Db Push Press
200 mt run/row/bike