Workouts of the week 28.09 / 03.10
Deadlift Intensity + Gymnastics and Aerobic Intervals
A. Paused Deadlift – 5×3; rest 2 minutes
*pause below knee on each rep
**reset each rep on the floor, no TNG
5×5 for beginners or those that need to develop their deadlift technique
Every 6 minutes for 18 minutes
10-15 Kipping Handstand Push-up
30/20 Calorie Row
10-15 T2B
Structural Upper and Lower + Power Cleans and Box Jumps
12 minute EMOM
1 – 10 Dbl Kettlebell FR Walking Lunges, alt
2 – 12-16 See-saw Row, alt
3 – 30-sec Weighted Side Plank/side
*scale weighted side plank for regular side plank
10 Power Cleans (70/50)
15 Box Jump-step down (24/20)
*12 minute cap
Dynamic Barbell + Partner Double Fran
A. Thruster – 10 minute EMOM: 3 reps
*pause overhead for one second and focus on cycling efficiency
Partner Workout
For Time
21 Dumbbell Thrusters (Partner A)
21 Pull-ups (Parnter B)
15 Dumbbell Thrusters (Partner A)
15 Pull-ups (Parnter B)
9 Dumbbell Thrusters (Partner A)
9 Pull-ups (Parnter B)
45 Dumbbell Thrusters*
45 Pull-ups*
10 min cap time
Chest-to-bar and Handstand Strength + Aerobic Power Couplet
A. Deficit Strict Handstand Push-up – 5×3-5; rest as needed
B. Assisted False Grip Strict Pull-up – 3xMAX; rest as needed
10 minute AMRAP
5, 10, 15…etc
Double Unders
Calorie Row
Snatch Technique + Chipper Gripper Grinder
A. Tall Snatch – 3×5; rest 60-sec
*start each rep on their toes, work with a very light weight
B. Snatch Lift Off + Power Snatch + Overhead Squat – Every 90-sec x 10: 1+1+1
*focus on speed and positions
For Time
50 Dumbbell Power Snatch, alt (22/15)
25 Dumbbell Box Step Overs (22/15)
50 Burpees
25 Dumbbell Box Step Overs (22/15)
*10 minute cap
**only one dumbbell on the step overs, hold any style
Rowing Cindy Intervals
Every 90-sec for 24 minutes (16 sets)
5 Kipping Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Air Squats
AMRAP Calorie Row in reaming time
Shoulder Strength and Stability + Muscular endurance
Seated Arnold Press 4 x 10
Quadruped Shoulder Tap 4 x 10-16 (5/5 o 8/8)
Emom 10
8-12 Hands Off Push ups with perfect form
12 Suitcase Dumbell Reverse Lunges
Amrap 10
10 db Box Step Up
10 Single Arm Db hang Clean and Jerk each side
Lower Body Pull Strength + Lower Body Conditioning
Every 3 min x 5
6 Dual Kb Sumo Deadlift
20 sec Hollow Rock o 40 sec hold
In 9 min
5 Rounds for Time
15 Russian Swing
10 Cal Row-Bike
5 Rounds
15 Goblet Squat
10 Down Up
Structural Strength + Row and Body Weight Conditioning
Every 2 minute x 5
5 Single Arm Turkish Sit Up + 5/8 Single Arm Glute Bridge Floor Press
Emom 10 min
Row @75 %
rest 3 min
Amrap 10 min
1 in Off 1 min On
3-5 Push Ups 10 Sprinter Mountain Climbers 5 Broad Jump
Midline Strength
Every 2 minutes x 5
10 Renegade Row (no push ups – 5/5)
10 Tuck Up Sit Up
Amrap 12 min
5 Db Burpees
5 Db Hang Devil Press
10 Box Jump Step Down
Total Body Kb Complex + Aerobic Endurance
Every 90 sec x 5
10 Kb Curl + Halo + Goblet Squat
10 Kb Drag
rest 3 min
Amrap 20 min
200 mt run o 40 sec Row-Bike
20 Kettlebell Push Press (10/10)
30 Medball Deadlift
40 sec Hollow Rock o Hold