
Workouts of the week 31.08 / 05.09




Overhead Squat Strength + Gymnastics and Barbell Couplets

A1. Overhead Squat – 4×5
*pause in the bottom position on each rep
A2. Mobility or Stability Drill
For Time
Kipping T2B or Knees to Chest
Hang Squat Cleans (40/30)
Rest 2 minutes
Kipping Handstand Push-up or Wall Walk*
Hang Power Cleans (60/40)


Plyometrics and Midline + Mixed Aerobic Work

10 minutes for quality
5 Seated Box Jumps
10 Bird Dogs
20 Russian Twists
10 minutes @85%
12 Calorie Row/Bike
8 Dumbbell Box Step-up, alt (22/15)
4 Single Arm Devils Press, alt (22/15)
Rest 5 minutes
10 minutes @85%
12 Calorie Row/Bike
8 Dumbbell Power Snatch, alt (22/15)
4 Single Arm Overhead Reverse Lunge/side (22/15)
*consistent aerobic pace throughout, this should be like a «40 min AMRAP pace» on each one


Gymnastics Strength + High Skill and Row

A1. Turkish Get-up Sit-up – 4×4-6/side; rest 30-sec
A2. Strict Pull-up or Negative – 4×3-5; rest 30-sec
A3. Weighted Push-up – 4×8-12 @20X1; rest as needed
For Time
750m Row
12 Burpee Pull-ups
500m Row
9 Burpee C2B
250m Row
6 Burpee Bar Muscle Ups
*12 minute cap


Mobility + Structural Balance + Squat and Jump Couplet

6 minute EMOM
1 – 90/90 Hip CARs
2 – Hip Flow Complex
12 minute EMOM
1 – 8 Single Arm Push Press/side
2 – 8 Suitcase Deadlift/side
3 – 30-45-sec Front Leaning Rest
8 minute AMRAP
16 Wallball (20/14)
32 Double Unders


Clean Technique + Partner Workout

A. Muscle Clean – 3×5; rest 60-sec
B. Power Clean + Hang Clean – Every 90-sec x 10: 1+2
*focus on speed and positions
**if technique is good build as able
For Time (Partner Work)
100/70 Calorie Row
-straight into-
Thrusters (43/30)
Kettlebell Swings (32/24)


Gymnastics Endurance

20/15 Calorie Row/Bike
3 rounds of:
5 Kipping Handstand Push-up
10 Kipping Pull-ups
15 Box Jump-step down





Legs Strength / Power + Power Endurance

4 sets:
5 Seated Double Kb Squat
5 High Box Jump/Box Jump
4 Rounds
35 Air Squat
20 AmerIcan Swing
10 Burpees Broad Jump
1′ rest between


Arms and Midline Strength + Aerobic Endurance

Emom 12
30/40 sec ring / db / FLR
30 sec Kb crush grip floor press
Amrap 10
90 sec on 30 sec off
Prisoner Reverse Lunges
– rest 3 min
5 Sets
40 sec On 20 sec Off
Quadruped Shoulder tap


Pull Complex + Intervals

Pull Complex
Every 2 min x 5 min
9 Db Deadlift
6 Db Bent Over Row
Max Shrug
4 Rounds 19 min total work
1-2 run 200 mt
2 – 4 Amrap*
4 – 5 rest
*3 Single Arm Devil Press each – 12 Sit Up


Shoulder and Glutes FBB + Grinder

4 sets:
6 Half Kneeling Shoulder Press
40 sec Banded Glute Bridge hold
Amrap 12
5 Single Arm Push Press each
5 Plank kb Drag
10 Cal Row


Double Amrap + Pump

10 min amrap
10 Alternating Db Snatch
10 Burpees no Push Ups
30 Double Unders
– rest 3
10 min amrap
10 Squat (db on shoulder 5/5)
20 Sprinter Mountain Climbers
30 Double Unders
– rest 5 min